
share certificate, Alingsås manufakturverk, 1728

Alingsås Manufakturverk was founded by Jonas Alströmer in 1724. He felt that Sweden was importing far too many textiles at high prices. According to mercantilist principles, processing goods domestically was more advantageous.

Alingsås Manufakturverk produced a wide range of goods such as woollen fabrics, cotton fabrics, hats and stockings. The company was able to borrow large sums of money from what was known as manufakturfonden, the Manufaktur Fund, which was established in 1727 to support the domestic business community.

Image rights: Alingsåhs Manufactur , Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 3306_KMK

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