
Penning, Svealand, Ulf fase jarl, 1230–1247

This coin depicts a predator, probably a wolf, and alludes to the name Ulf. Above the animal is a star and the inscription WLF DVX (= Duke Ulf). Ulf Fase was “Jarl of the Swedes and the Goths” until his death in 1247.

Ulf was the son of Jarl Karl the Deaf, who died in 1220. A jarl was the king’s closest relative. Ulf was succeeded by his cousin, Birger Jarl.

This specimen was found together with several Svealand pennings during archaeological surveys of the church ruins at Flasta mur in Uppland in 1967.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3045137

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