
1/4 öre, Säter, Kristina, 1638

This copper 1/4 öre was minted at the Säters mint. Queen Kristina had copper coins minted here between 1635 and 1654. The quarter öre, also known as a fyrk, is Queen Kristina's most common coin.

Between 1635 and 1636, quarter öre coins were minted in both Säter and Nyköping. As they are very similar and it is not stated on them where they were minted, for a long time it was not possible to say which quarter öre was made where. But by studying the style of the crowns on the coins, it has been possible to distinguish between the mints.

Christina's copper coins were full-bodied coins, the metal value would correspond to the world market price for the corresponding amount of copper.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 110877_KMK

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