
2 öre, Stockholm, Gustav I Vasa, 1537

The 2 öre coin was minted in several places from 1536: Stockholm 1536-1537 & 1557-1560, Västerås 1538-1540, Svartsjö 1541-1549 and Turku 1556-1558. The largest production of coins probably took place in Stockholm and Västerås. From Västerås we also know the names of two coin engravers: Gorius the painter and Ulrich, who came to Sweden from Nuremberg. The design on the obverse (front) is the king's breast image. The reverse shows either a crowned shield with three crowns lying on a large cross or a shield containing three crowns around a shield with a heraldic vase with different variations.

The inscription on the obverse (front) – ‘GOSTAVS D G REX SWECIE’ with variations – tells us that Gustav Vasa is the King of Sweden. The reverse has the legend MONETA NOVA (STOCH) or (WEST) which tells us that the 2 öre denomination is a new denomination and that the coins were minted in Stockholm or Västerås. Some types of 2-öre coins have the motto ‘OMNIS POTESTAS A DEO’, which means ‘all power is of God’.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 106631_KMK

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