
Penning, Gotland, uncertain authority, circa 1150–1220

Many stone churches were built on the island of Gotland in the 12th century. This is reflected in coins like this one, with a church building on one side. On the other side of this coin is a trefoil cross or a wheel cross.

The church is modelled on reality and is seen here as a sloping building (roof) with towers at the sides. Above are two round-arched openings (in the bell tower?) under a smaller, triangular roof. There are two gates at the bottom.

The church and the trefoil cross, resembling contemporary rose windows in churches, raise questions about the origin of the coins. The oldest coin of this type was found in 1967, part of a large Viking Age hoard from Burge on Gotland.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 104523_KMK

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