
Oscar Dickson, James Dickson & Co

The medal depicts the businessman Oscar Dickson (1823-1897). Oscar Dickson belonged to a wealthy family with great influence in Sweden during the 19th century. The family business, James Dickson & Co, was one of the most important trading houses in Gothenburg. The firm was founded in 1816 by James Dickson (1784-1855), and was a major player in the forestry industry, with operations in Värmland and large parts of Norrland. Several members of the family were also active in municipal politics, mainly in Gothenburg. The family also acted as patrons, and made donations to social and cultural projects.

Oscar Dickson was manager of the northern sawmills between 1847-1855 and from 1850 he was a partner in James Dickson & Co and later became its director. In 1880 Oscar Dickson was knighted and in 1900 he became the last person in Sweden to be made a Baron. The obverse of the medal shows Oscar Dickson in profile and the reverse shows the Dickson family coat of arms. The inscription states that the medal was made for his 61st birthday in 1883, on the initiative of friends. The engraver is Adolf Lindberg.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 704686_KMK

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