
Motbok N:r 7754 med Trosa och Hölebo härads Sparbank

Trosa sparbank was founded in 1835 and became the third savings bank in Sörmland after the savings banks in Nyköping and Eskilstuna. Only 51 passbooks had been issued by the end of the bank’s first year, a modest number. There are no records for the years 1836–1848, but the cash book indicates a certain amount of activity.

In 1859, the bank’s management expressed concerns about lending small amounts against collateral (items such as jewellery and watches). It was troublesome. The bank’s management also wanted to impose a limit on loans of less than 100 riksdaler.

The bank operated from its founders’ homes initially, before moving on to rented premises in the 1880s. It was not until 1895 that the bank could move into a building of its own.

In 1891, the bank merged with the savings bank in the parish of Mörkö under the name Trosa stads och Hölebo härads sparbank. This, in turn, became Östra Sörmlands Sparbank in 1971, which went on to become Nya Sparbanken in 1988, which in its turn became Sparbanksgruppen in 1991.

Image rights: Trosa stads och Hölebo härads sparbank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 3101238

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