
1 riksdaler riksmynt, Stockholm, Oscar II, 1873

The last riksdaler riksmynt was minted in the same year as the Scandinavian monetary union was established between Sweden and Denmark. The Riksdaler riksmynt, which was divided into 100 öre, was now replaced by the krona, which was divided into 100 öre.

The two types of coin were similar in terms of the ratio of öre and appearance, but the metal value distinguished them. The Riksdaler riksmynt weighed 8.50 grams and the fine weight, the proportion of pure silver, was 7.38 grams, compared with the enkrona, which would weigh 7.5 grams and have a fine weight of 6 grams when it began to be minted in 1875.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 117751_KMK

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