
25 öre riksmynt, Stockholm, Sabbatsbergs Fattiginrättning, 1858

The Sabbatsberg poorhouse opened in 1752. In 1832, food tokens began to be distributed to the paupers who lived there, instead of cash. These tokens were handed over to the sutler in exchange for food.

This token was valid in January 1858 and was worth 25 öre riksmynt or 12 skillings riksgälds. The riksdaler divided into 100 öre had been introduced three years earlier. 12 skillings riksgälds in the old coinage was equivalent to 25 öre in the new one, and both were indicated at the same time to make things easier.

Image rights: Sabbatsbergs Fattiginrättning, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 600735_KMK

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