
5 riksdaler riksmynt, Skaraborgs Läns Enskilda Bank, 1865

Skaraborgs Läns Enskilda Bank began operating in 1865 and was based in Skövde, Västergötland, and had a branch office in Mariestad from 1867.

The vignette on the first banknotes issued shows seven coats of arms: the bull of Mariestad, the lion of Västergötland, Saint Helena of Skövde, the bishop of Lidköping, the church of Skara, Falköping’s three towers and Hjo’s one-masted sailing ship.

This 1865 banknote with the denomination 5 riksdaler riksmynt was printed by P. A. Nymans boktryckeri in Stockholm. The bank issued banknotes from 1865 to 1903. The name was changed to Skaraborgs Enskilda Bank in 1906.

Image rights: Skaraborgs Läns Enskilda Bank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 801115_KMK

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