
5 mark, Stockholm, Karl IX, 1610

King Karl IX of Sweden issued 5-mark gold square coins between 1610 and 1612. The last minting took place after the king’s death in the autumn of 1612.

On the obverse (front) we see the crowned sheaf, the coat of arms of the House of Vasa, together with the name and title of the mint owner: C(AROLUS) R(EX) – King Charles (Karl). We also see the denomination of the coin: V, the Latin numeral for 5, and M for mark. On the reverse (back) is a radial wreath with the name Yahweh, God, written in Hebrew.

The practice of printing Yahweh, the name of God, on coins began with the ungersk gyllen of King Erik XIV, but the name is also commonly found on the coins of King Karl IX and his son, Gustav II Adolf. The practice died out after that.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 109056_KMK

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