
10000 kronor, L.M Ericsson & co AB, 1901-02

Lars Magnus Ericsson started LM Ericsson & Co, Mekanisk Werkstad in 1876. A few years later, Ericsson built the first telephones. His wife Hilda participated in the work and managed the company when Ericsson himself was travelling. He left the company in 1901 and sold his shares a few years later.

During the 20th century, Ericsson became a leader in telecommunications and the business went global. Today, Ericsson has over 100,000 employees around the world and in 2022 had a turnover of more than SEK 270 billion.

Since the Kreuger crash, when the Kreuger Group went bankrupt, the voting majority in Ericsson is shared between Handelsbanken and Investor (the Wallenberg sphere). This is to ensure stability and continuity.

Image rights: L.M Ericsson & co AB, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 7351_KMK

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