
1 dukat, Stockholm, Karl XI, 1695

Nils Gripenhielm was County Governor of Kopparberg. He ordered an investigation to be conducted to see whether there was any gold to be found at the remains of the mining operation at Östra Silvberget near Säter in Dalarna. There was.

The gold from Dalarna was minted into commemorative ducats, with the inscription:
“EX AVRO SVEC: REPERTO IN DALIA & ÖST: SILVBERGH AO. 1695. Av N. Gripenhielm”, which means “Of Swedish gold discovered in Dalarna and Östra Silvberg in 1695 by N. Gripenhielm”. Gold mining at Silvberget came to an end in 1755.

The coin you see here is one such Gripenhielm ducat, with King Karl XI on the obverse (front). The engraver was Arvid Karlsteen, and the coin was made in Stockholm.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 114748_KMK

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