
10 dukat, Stockholm, Karl X Gustav, 1654

The coin in the display case is unique. The 10 ducat was struck only four times, and by three kings: Gustav II Adolf in 1617, Karl X Gustaf in 1654 and Fredrik I in 1721 and 1731. Not many of them were made, and only a small number of the older ones remain.

The 10 ducat coin on display bears the portrait of Karl X Gustav on the obverse (front) and the inscription “CAROLUS GUSTAVUS DECIMUS D(EI) G(RATIE) REX SVECORUM” – Karl X Gustav God’s grace King of the Swedes. On the reverse (back) is the large coat of arms of Sweden and the motto of Karl X Gustaf: “IN IEHOVA SORS MEA IPSE FAISET M D C L I V” – In the Lord my destiny, he himself shall do it 1654.

Of all the ducats issued in Sweden, 10 ducats was the second highest denomination, the highest being 12 ducats. The high denominations indicate that praktmynt coins, not coins used in everyday life.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 111715_KMK

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