
Penning, okänd myntort, Magnus Eriksson, 1360s

Magnus Eriksson’s reign continued for 44 years. Several types of coins were issued during that time, two-sided pennings initially, followed later by bracteates (coins with a motif on one side) of various types. One bracteate shows two opposing crowns and was issued in the 1360s. Between the crowns, we see various letters and signs. The silver content is low.

One theory is that the two crowns symbolise the monetary union with Norway. Magnus Eriksson’s son Håkan was King of Norway from 1355 to 1380. Several coins of this type were found in a purse that was found in a grave after the battle of Visby in 1361, and so they were struck before that year.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 102694_KMK

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