
1 öre, Stockholm, Karl IX, 1609

King Karl IX minted öre coins both in Stockholm and in Gothenburg. This one-öre coin was minted in Stockholm in 1609. On the obverse (front) is the symbol of the Kingdom of Sweden - a vase, or sheaf of grain - together with ‘C R’ which is an abbreviation of CAROLUS REX - King Karl. Around it is the legend (text) REGIS SVECIA - the Kingdom of Sweden and the year of minting 1609. On the reverse (back of the coin), the denomination 1 öre is printed at the bottom, below the lion of the Kingdom of Sweden and the three crowns of Sweden. The legend is written in Latin MONETA NOVA and means new coin.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 109030_KMK

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