
2 dukat, Reval, Karl XI, 1671

The portrait on the obverse (front) of this coin depicts King Karl XI of Sweden. The reverse (back) shows the coat of arms of Estonia with three lions, known as heraldic leopards.

Estonia was part of Sweden between 1561 and 1721. There were times when Swedish kings had coins minted in Reval, which was the capital of Estonia in those days. Karl XI was the last Swedish ruler to have coins made there, and both gold and silver coins were made during his reign.

The higher denominations have the king’s portrait on the obverse, while the lower denominations have the king’s crowned monogram (initials) instead. The Estonian coat of arms, which appears on the reverse of the coin, is similar to that of Denmark. This is because Estonia was part of Denmark in the Middle Ages.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 113531_KMK

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