
1/3 skilling banco, Stockholm, Karl XIV Johan, 1843

On the 1/3 skilling banco coin we see King Karl XIV Johan's motto: ‘PEOPLE'S LOVE MY REWARD’. Choosing a motto that did not refer to God had been very unusual until King Adolf Fredrik (1751-1771). Adolf Fredrik chose instead to refer to the state: ‘THE WELFARE OF THE STATE (IS) MY WELFARE’ and King Gustav III, who reigned after him, chose: ‘THE FATHERLAND’.

King Gustav IV Adolf combined the old with the new: ‘GOD AND THE PEOPLE’, and after him King Charles XIII: ‘THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE MY HIGHEST REWARD’. When it was the turn of Charles XIII's adopted son Charles XIV John, the choice fell on: ‘THE LOVE OF THE PEOPLE MY REWARD’.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 117310_KMK

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