
1 riksdaler, Stockholm, Fredrik I, 1727

In 1727, King Frederick issued a new riksdaler coin with a double portrait of him and Queen Ulrika Eleonora, in connection with that year's Riksdag (parliamentary meeting). The previous riksdaler coin had only had the king's own portrait.

The reverse has the same motif as the previous Riksdalers, that is, the large coat of arms with two lions as shield bearers. Above the coat of arms is the motto: ‘God our hope’. The fact that the motto is in Swedish is fairly new and had appeared on Karl XII's riksdaler coins, which may seem strange as these coins were primarily intended for international trade.

The edge of the coin is inscribed with a Latin text, known as the edge lettering: ‘MANIBUS NE LAEDAR AVARIS’ - ‘May no hands harm me’. The edge lettering made sure that no one could cut off a piece of the coin and take the silver without it being visible.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 115843_KMK

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