
5000 kronor, aktiebolaget Bodträskfors, 1884-09-30

As early as 1846, a licence was issued to build a sawmill at Bodträskån. Three years later, a sawmill was completed together with a dam and a flour mill. Carl Otto Bergman was the manager (technical leader of the company) from 1860 to 1887.

The share certificate includes 5 shares of SEK 1000 and is issued to ‘Mr Grossh[andlaren] J. Aug. bergman’. Furthermore, we learn from the text on the front of the share certificate that the articles of association were adopted on 2 May 1884, and that coupons for dividends are included with the share certificate and that these are valid for the years 1884 until 1893.

Under the leadership of Carl Otto Bergman, Aktiebolaget Bodträskfors became one of Norrbotten's most successful companies.

Image rights: aktiebolaget Bodträskfors, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 3374_KMK

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