
Pollett used at Spinnhuset in Stockholm

Stockholm's Spinnhus was established on Långholmen in 1724 and was run by the National Board of Trade, which was responsible for trade, industry and shipping. The ’Spinnhus‘ (litteraly: Spinning House) was both a factory and a prison, where able-bodied women - often convicted of thievery or vagrancy - and disorderly garment workers were admitted to spin yarn, mainly for Barnängen's garment factory. The inmates were called Spinnhushjon.

Paper tokens replaced cash in Spinnhuset and were available as 1 daler copper coin and 24 öre copper coin down to ½ öre copper coin.

Image rights: Stockholms Spinnhus, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 600223_KMK

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