
20 öre, Svappavaara, Kengis, Reenstierna, Abraham Momma, 1600

In the 17th century, Dutch-born brothers Abraham and Jakob Momma established a mill in Svappavaara in northernmost Lapland. Like many other mills, they used their own tokens.

The copper mined at the mill was taken to the Kengis ironworks in Västerbotten (now Norrbotten), where tokens were minted in several denominations from the 1660s onwards, as well as plate coins in 1675 and 1693.

The tokens were stamped with a running reindeer and the initials of both brothers, AIM, which stood for Abraham and Jacob Momma. They were raised to the nobility in 1669 with the name Reenstierna, and thereafter used the initials AIR.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3010801

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